The application supports the most popular fortune-telling, divination is Tarot. You can make the ali...
The application supports the most popular fortune-telling, divination is Tarot. You can make the alignment of cards in all areas of life. Tarot Divination will help you learn what to cook you the future that awaits you on the love front, career, or even tell you what you will change the health and well-being. Tarot cards - a system of symbols, a deck of 78 cards, allegedly appeared in the Middle Ages in the XIV-XVI century, nowadays mainly used for divination, also survived, at least one card game using the full tarot deck. The images on the Tarot cards have a complex interpretation from the perspective of astrology, occultism and alchemy, so the traditional tarot is associated with "secret knowledge" and is considered to be mysterious. The origin of Tarot divination overgrown with numerous legends. But, as is considered by the majority of modern studies, tarot cards appeared in Italy in the early XV century. In 1450, in Milan, there is a deck of Tarot Visconti-Sforza. The surviving fragments of logs, invented by Visconti and Sforza families, served as the prototype of the modern deck of 78-mi sheets. Extant deck of those times is a luxury handmade cards made for the aristocracy. In 1465 there is a deck Tarokki Mantegna, whose structure is based on the division of Kabbalistic universe, known as the 50 Gates of Bina. The deck consists of 50 cards, 5 sets or stripe (Firmament, Fundamentals and virtue, science, Muse, Social Status) of 10 cards each. Some images in the modern Tarot cards were taken from the deck. Deck Tarokki Mantegna served as a template for character artists II half of the XV century. Legend has it that in ancient Egypt was a temple, in which there were 22 rooms, and on the walls of rooms symbolic paintings were shown, from which subsequently took great arcana of the Tarot. This legend confirms the theory that the Tarot divination comes from the Book of the Dead of the vignettes, figures which are actually deposited on the walls of the sacred structures - tombs. For the first time the possibility of the origin of the tarot of Egypt referred to the Cours de Gebelin. He wrote in the fifth volume of "Primeval World" (1778). "Tarot card game, common in Germany, Italy and Switzerland This game is Egyptian, as we have more one will show its name consists of two Oriental words, Tar and Rha (Rho). and means "royal road". This statement was made before the discovery of the Rosetta stone in the 17th and even more, before the Egyptian symbols have been deciphered. All these facts cast doubt on the theory of the Egyptian origin, as indicated Zhebelenom word in the Egyptian language is not It appeared. With this application divination tarot cards will be available to you. at the same time, it is free divination by Tarot cards will set you. After all, you have every right to have a good quality application divination by Tarot cards, without paying for it no deneg.A after using the app you will be able to carry out full-fledged divination relationship, learn strong whether you have it or not. also, you will be available for guessing on the relation of man to you, perhaps the card will prompt you that you have not noticed, or maybe notice but could not believe it. This is the whole essence of tarot divination in the relationship, it can help you look at a particular situation from a different angle with the help of tarot cards forces. Even more common type of divination than the previous species, is the divination of the future. After all, we all want to know what awaits us on our path of life, as long as it has not happened to us, and it is a guessing on the future of the maps will be the key that will open the doors of the mysteries of the future. Even more complicated is the divination for the near future, but that the result you will be able to learn faster than usual, and will be able to verify the effectiveness of divination. These same alignment of the Tarot can tell a lot more than you think. And in the future it is tar